Marriage Issues

Marriage is often shown as a journey of eternal bliss, a bond between two souls destined to weather life’s storms together. While this romantic notion holds true for many, the reality of marriage also involves facing challenges and overcoming obstacles along the way. 

In this blog, we will explore some common issues faced by couples in marriage and offer tips for building a successful and enduring partnership.

Issues in Marriage

  1. Unequal Division of Chores: In today’s time, usually both the partners are working. And it is during this time that the household chores sometimes become a cause of constant fight. Mostly it is the wife who is expected to handle work and house both and that can be pretty frustrating and fairly unequal.
  2. Boredom: Life is not consistent. And in marriage, which is for a lifetime, couples can start to feel boredom after a few years. Especially, in Indian context, the couple falls into a routine and that can soon turn to boredom. 
  3. Constant fights on older issues: In some cases, one or both of the partners might have a habit of picking up old issues which were swept under the rug at the time. And if these sort of fights turn constant, then it can turn into a big issue. 
  4. Issues with In-Laws: In India, the most common issue a couple faces are the fights with in-laws. Usually the wife and the mother-in-law fights and they sometimes drag the husband/son into the fight expecting him to choose a side. This is when the matters escalade for worse.
  5. Stress: Stress is very common. It can happen to anyone. This stress could be from day-to-day life issues, relationships, finances, parenting anything. This stress can affect the relationship and cause drastic changes. 
  6. Social Media: Social Media is a very important aspect in today’s people’s lives. And this usage of social media can interfere with the relationship especially if one partner is too much involved in it or if it is used during the quality time of the couple.
  7. Differing Values: When couples have different values it can lead to constant issues between the couple. These differences can be about religion, politics, child-rearing etc. If these differences are not addressed properly and maturely, then it can be problematic for the couple.
  8. Financial Issues: Marriage brings arguments about money. Especially if both partners are working, then finance can be a sore topic for both parties. And with all of this difference, comes the argument about spending habits, usage of money, savings, and earnings. 
  9. Irritating Habits of Spouse: Marriage, especially arranged marriage, means living with another person. And that means living with the habits and quirks of another person. Sometimes those habits are irritating to the other person and this can lead to fights between the couples.

Tips for a Successful Marriage

  1. Prioritize: To be in a successful marriage, always make it a point to prioritize your partner throughout your marriage. People say that priorities change when they get in a relationship, but that should not be the case when it is your marriage. So, always make your partner a priority in your life.
  2. Be Grateful: Make sure to be grateful for things in your marriage. Show gratitude when your partner does something beautiful. This gratitude will encourage your partner and make your family bloom into a beautiful one.
  3. Respect Each Other’s Privacy: Being in a marriage means you are sharing a lot of space together. And privacy becomes a difficult thing. So, make sure you respect each other’s privacy and space as every person has their individual identity apart from being married.
  4. Spend Time Together: Being together for a longer time can also mean falling in a rut and not spending much time together doing new things. So, make sure to try out new things, activities mutually decided and enjoyed by both partners.
  5. Open Communication: Be sure to be vocal about how you are feeling. You both should be able to talk to each other openly. This should include things like what you like and don’t like, your resentments and what you are sensitive about.
  6. Have Autonomy: Make sure to be independent and have autonomy of your decisions. Of course take decisions taking into consideration all the aspects of your life including the marriage but take your own decisions.
  7. Be Loyal: Trust your partner, have loyalty and commitment for them. These are some qualities that you should have while being in a marriage because nothing else will matter otherwise. If you have trust, loyalty and commitment, then you can work through other issues that may arise.
  8. Be a Team: A successful marriage requires teamwork. So, make sure to share responsibilities together and equally. Divide the household chores equally and have a communication if you feel overburdened at any point.


In conclusion, marriage is a journey filled with both joys and challenges. By prioritizing effective communication, nurturing intimacy, and embracing growth together, couples can build a strong and enduring partnership that stands the test of time. With commitment, compassion, and resilience, every couple can navigate the complexities of marriage and create a fulfilling life together. 

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