Making Children Listen

Parenting is a rewarding journey. But it is also challenging especially when it means that you have to make your child listen to you. Many parents have come up with an issue that their children don’t seem to listen to them, don’t pay attention or follow their instructions.

However, if we try to understand why those children don’t listen and accordingly implement certain effective strategies, then it can help in significantly improving communication and cooperation within the family dynamic.

Why don’t Children Listen?

1. Developmental Factors

  • How a child develops cognitively and emotionally plays an important role in their ability to listen, and to understand instructions. Toddlers or younger children don’t have much attention span and they struggle to get a grasp on complex information. 
  • As children grow, they tend to become more independent and hence may challenge authority as part of developing as a decision maker.
  • Emotional factors like stress, anxiety or even boredom can have an effect on a child’s receptiveness and eagerness to communicate.

2. Lack of Clear expectations

  • Inconsistent communication or setting unclear expectations can confuse children. This can also lead to misunderstandings and resistance to listen and follow instructions.
  • If parents or caregivers are not clear about their own expectations and instructions and give mixed messages to the kids then it can create confusion and can even undermine authority. 

3. Attention Grabbing Distractions

  • Children are introduced to technology pretty early on and hence they are surrounded by distractions like smartphones, TV, tablet, video games etc. Thus, it can make it challenging for them to actually focus on verbal instructions.
  • Noise, environmental factors or basically other external stimuli can also contribute to pulling children’s attention away from listening. 

4. Power Struggles

  • If the parents turn towards an authoritarian parenting style where they just command the kid and are pretty strict, then it can lead children to rebel against their parents or engage in power struggles so as to assert control.
  • Nagging, yelling or even making threats can increase conflicts and destroy the trust between parents and children.

5. Lack of Clear Instruction

  • Children cannot just retain 2 or 3 commands together. If we give them chores together then they get confused and that can lead to irritability and not doing anything.
  • Similarly giving children tasks which are not clear can mean they might not do. If you are telling them to not do something, also make them understand what they can do instead otherwise the instructions remain unclear to them.

Effective Strategies for Getting Children to Listen

1. Establish Clear Expectations

  • As a parent you have to make sure to establish goals, expectations and rules to behave which are clear and age appropriate and also communicate them consistently.
  • Use language which is positive and filled with reinforcement so as to encourage children to comply rather than remaining focused on consequences only.

2. Active Listening

  • Practice active listening. This can be done by maintaining eye contact, nodding and paraphrasing the child’s words to show that you are understanding them.
  • Encourage open communication between your children and yourself. Do this by creating a safe and non-judgmental environment for the child to express their thoughts and feelings.

3. Provide Choices

  • Present your child with choices, in reasonable limits. This will help in empowering them and encouraging cooperation.
  • Instead of commanding them, make sure they have the option to choose between the options you like. For example, instead of saying “Brush your teeth now”, you can say, “Would you like to brush your teeth before or after story time?”

4. Use Positive Reinforcement

  • Praise your child and reward them when they actually listen to your instructions and follow them or when they show desired behaviors.
  • Celebrate those efforts and accomplishments to actually reinforce that positive behavior. This makes it likely for your children to exhibit that behavior again.

5. Set Consequences

  • Make sure to establish consequences which are logical, in case the child doesn’t do the work and shows non-compliance. 
  • These consequences shouldn’t be threats, and they should be related to the behavior. This will allow children to learn from their actions.
  • Avoid empty threats or punishments that don’t match with the offense, otherwise that can lead to the children losing their trust and respect in you.

6. Maintain Consistency

  • Be consistent when reinforcing expectations and building trust.
  • You can coordinate with your partner to ensure that there is consistency in rules, consequences and disciplinary approaches. 

7. Minimize Distractions

  • Create an environment which is good for communication. This can be done by minimizing distractions and setting aside time dedicated towards meaningful interactions. 
  • To minimize distractions, limit screen time, set rules and encourage activities which promote engagement and connection like playing games, solving puzzles or reading together.

8. Foster Mutual Respect

  • Children learn by observing. If they see you giving them respect and empathy, then that is what you will get in return from them. 
  • Validate your kids’ emotions and perspectives. Even if you disagree with them, validate them, let them know gently and work together with them to find solutions which you all agree upon.

What Couples can do to Support each other

Couples need to make sure they support each other. Even if they disagree with each other regarding something, then they should talk calmly and reach a decision mutually. But presenting a united front is very important. Otherwise there is a divide where the children start favoring one parent over the other.

1. Communicate Openly

  • Maintain communication with your partner based on openness and honesty. This communication should be focused on parenting goals, values and challenges. 
  • You both will have to listen actively and validate each other’s perspectives in order to develop understanding and cooperation.

2. Coordinate Parenting Strategies

  • Agree on parenting strategies to be used and disciplinary approaches to be taken in order to avoid confusion and conflict.
  • When confronting children, show that you are a team in order to reinforce authority and minimize manipulation.

3. Share Responsibilities

  • Distribute the responsibilities equally between you and your partner. This can help in preventing burnout and promoting teamwork.
  • Support each other emotionally. Provide relief when one partner feels overwhelmed or stressed or anxious.

4. Prioritize Relationship Maintenance

  • Make time for each other as a couple. Make sure to take steps to nurture your relationship as partners outside of parenting duties.
  • Practice self-care, seek support either from your friends or family or from a professional when needed.


Getting children to listen takes patience, understanding and effective communication strategies. What a parent can do is address the reasons why children are being defiant, and implement practical techniques such as clear expectations, positive reinforcement and maintaining consistency in order to resolve that defiance. Additionally, couples should strengthen their partnership. This could be done with open communication, coordination and prioritizing the relationship. Remember, parenting can be filled with ups and downs. It has its challenges and when you overcome those challenges, that’s when you can reap the rewards and cultivate bonds which are strong and built on trust, respect and love.

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