Issues in relationship

Getting into a relationship might be easy but maintaining a relationship is pretty difficult. Relationships are beautiful but they only sail smoothly when they weather the storms and get through the high tides. But what are these high tides? High tides in a relationship occur pretty often. Every couple encounters challenges and how they navigate them determines their bond. 

Let’s see some common challenges every relationship faces and what can be done to resolve them:

1. Communication Breakdown

Effective communication is a very important part of any relationship. When communication is difficult between two people, it can lead to misunderstandings and feelings can convert into resentment which leads to further problems. 

What to do when there is communication breakdown:

  1. Active Listening: This is a very important exercise to practice. This can be achieved when one gives their full undivided attention when the other is speaking. Interrupting the person while they are speaking should be avoided as that mostly turns into a fight. It also involves trying to understand the other person’s perspective before responding.
  2. Express Yourself: Be open and expressive about your needs and wants. You should not expect your partner to read your mind or magically know what you are thinking or feeling or what you want. Instead, practice clear communication. 

2. Trust Issues:

A relationship builds on trust. It is the foundation of any successful relationship. When the window of trust gets even the slightest crack, then it can lead to jealousy, insecurity and tension between partners. 

What to do when there are trust issues:

  1. Be Transparent: Honesty is key. To build trust again, you need to be open and honest with your partner. This includes transparency about your actions, feelings and whereabouts. Transparency can help in building trust over time.
  2. Set Boundaries: Establish clear boundaries in your relationship and communicate those boundaries clearly to each other. Respect each other’s privacy and boundaries. Avoid indulging in behaviors that might be seen as secretive or being dishonest. 
  3. Seek Help: If the issues with trust continue even after constant efforts, you can try to seek external help as a mediator. This might help both you and your partner gain a new perspective and do further work on the issues.

3. Conflicts over time:

Arguments in a relationship are inevitable. Every couple fights or argues. But what matters is how they resolve those fights. Unresolved conflicts can lead to trust and intimacy issues over time. 

What to do when there are conflicts:

  1. Stay Calm: Increasing conflicts should be avoided. That happens when both parties involved in the conflict stays calm and composed during disagreements. Take a break to cool down if you feel your anger might be getting the better of you. After that you can continue the discussion.
  2. Listen and Validate: Listen to your partner’s side of the story and validate their feelings, even if you disagree. It shows them that you have compassion for them. Showing this empathy and understanding can help in reducing the intensity of conflict. 
  3. Find compromise: In a relationship, you have to understand that there is no winning or losing. Try to reach a mutually agreed upon decision. Compromise is very important to resolve conflicts and strengthen the bond. 

4. Intimacy Issues:

Physical and emotional intimacy are very important components in a relationship. When intimacy lessens, couples may feel disconnected and unfulfilled. 

What to do when there are intimacy issues:

  1. Prioritize quality time: Make time for each other regularly, whether it is through planning date nights, sharing hobbies or simply sitting on the couch watching movies. Quality time is basically anything you two do together in order to be more intimate and develop a better connection.
  2. Communicate your needs: Talk openly with each other about your needs and desires. Be open to new experiences and ways to connect.

5. Financial Strain:

Issues with finances can be a very source of stress and disagreements in relationships. This financial strain could be due to differences in spending habits, financial goals and income levels. This difference can put a strain on even the strongest of relationships at some point.

What to do when there is financial strain:

  1. Have open discussions: Talk about the situation openly and honestly. This conversation should definitely include your financial situation, goals and priorities as a couple. Next step is to make a budget and make decisions together so that there are no surprises or misunderstandings.
  2. Set financial goals: Work together and make attainable goals. Start with long term goals and divide them into short term goals which will be aligned with your values and needs. Having shared goals help you and your partner to develop the bond stronger and it motivates you to work as a team. 
  3. Seek professional advice: If the issues become overwhelming and you are not able to handle the finances, then you should consider consulting an advisor. They can help you in developing strategies to manage debt, save for the future and work on the finances together.


Every relationship has its challenges and it can be difficult to manage these challenges. But with patience, effort and effective communication from both sides, the relationship can emerge victorious. It also involves addressing the issues head-on and working together as a team. By that you can nurture a healthy and filling partnership that actually stands the test of time. No relationship is perfect but if it has love and commitment then you can get through the high tides. 

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